Team Ghana

Stephen E. Moore

On returning to Ghana, I noticed one thing lacking was opportunities, especially for the socially challenged in the society. This is why we founded MOWAMO, Ghana. To train and equip several socially challenged in our societies. We hope to build an inclusive society.

For a fairer world, we must create opportunities for those who are not equally capable of such opportunities. We must equip such individuals to take those opportunities and to take control of their lifes. This is what MOWAMO stands for.

Joseph Ankrah

I was present during the Inaugration, Visitation and Donations of Items at the various Disables Home. That motivated me to be part of the MOWAMO N.G.O

Samuel Nii Ayi Tagoe

I was impressed by the performance of MOWAMO N.G.O for the role they played at the various disabilities homes. As a result I was  motivated to be part of them.

Daniel Kwame Darko († 2022)

Growing up as a boy I had the chance to spend some time with Orphans and the physically challenged, those where the days my family managed and administered the day to day activities of these Centres.

As the years passes by their living conditions have worsened, due to societal segregation. It will interest you to know that these brothers and sisters of ours may be socially challenged but when given the necessary support, they can become very productive to the society. I was amazed when my revered friends called on me to help build a support mechanism for physically challenged and the needy.
On our maiden visit to one of the centres I was happy to see the smile MOWAMO was able to put on their faces.